Silambam Rules

Silambam Rules

Silambam Rules


I. The Aims and Objects of the All India  Silambam Federation shall be:- 

1.1.  To organize, encourage, promote and control the Sport of Silambam. 

1.2.   To provide facilities for training and physical exercise in the Sport of Silambam and to render financial assistance to both individuals and organization for the promotion of such training. 

1.3.   To diffuse useful knowledge and modern techniques in sports of Silambam and physical exercise by publishing literature in any form and to participate in such meetings/Conferences/seminars in India  and abroad ; and 

1.4.  Generally to do anything with the promotion of Sport of Silambam in particular and sports in general in the World. 

II. AISF Affiliation :  

All India Silambam Federation is affiliated to Asian Silambam federation , World 
Silambam Federation which is recognized by TAFISA( The Association For International 
Sports for All) 

    1. The Founding Member:


2.2.)  The Affiliated Member:

1.  State Associations / UT Associations have been admitted as members of AISF and state - level agency are authorized to manage and responsible for Silambam affairs in their pertinent state.

2.  Each state shall be represented only by one state Association.

3.  In case, any regional and state has no regional / state level Silambam Association, membership shall be granted to any Silambam organization which in the opinion of  AISF may be accepted as a member. 

4.  To  promote  and  propagate  the  Art  of  Silambam  as  a  means  of  sports,  health improvements and self defense.

5.  To accept affiliations from States those who are interested in the art of Silambam.

6.  To Provide exhibitions in the art of Silambam.

7.  To  provide  qualified  examiners  for  grading  amongst members  and  to  award certificates to members participating in such grading test
8.  To organize and to hold tournaments for its members. 

9.  To promote understanding among members of all races and to provide a source of exercise for physical, moral and mental development

10. To encourage, organize, control and sponsor Silambam as a sport in the whole India. 

11. To collect and receive subscriptions and contributions and to administer its fund for the furtherance of Silambam displays, competitions and to raise or borrow money that may be required for the purpose of the federation in such terms and on such security as may as required.

12. To print, publish or purchase the copyright or otherwise acquire any books, journals, newspapers, periodicals or leaflets or any interest therein, and to undertake any 
propaganda and to advertise in any manner which the federation may think desirable for the promotion of its objectives and to hold lectures and courses of instructions to promote this sport Silambam.

13. To act and do any lawful things conducive to the attainment of the Aims and Objects of the federation.

14. With the prior approval of the competent authority to publish newsletter and/or to disseminate information on the activities and development of the Federation.


Guru Vanakkam:

There are various ways of Silambam Guru Vanakkam which are practiced by the 
participants to honor their gurus and at the same time respecting the audience.

Long Stick:

The exponents are using eyebrow level in length and one inch width bamboo sticks. They swing the stick in various methods to defend and to counter attack the opponent. Even a man with knife may easily be managed with this long stick. This is the main instrument in the silambam competition.

Double Short Stick

Two short sticks, each about 3 feet in length may be used. A skilled exponent can 
guard himself against several hits, where he uses one hand to block and the other to counter-strike or thrust. Usually two short sticks are better than one. The exponents with high skills can attack or strike and at the same time giving no time for the opponent to defend. Please note that swaying the stick and turning the body left and right will make the opponent sometimes defenseless.

Chopper Knife:

A highly skilled person in martial art only can defend himself from various weapons like a chopper, sword, knife or an axe. He should move or dodge immediately when the exponent attacks. He can either give blows, kicks, thrusts, or apply locks. When applying locks like in wrestling, one can make the attacker with weapon motionless. A higher form of techniques should be learnt before using it because it needs quick and decisive movement to apply locks against the opponent.

Sword & Shield:

With a sword and shield one can give strike, hits, thrusts, swings to the various parts of the body of the opponent. The defender must be skillful in order to defend from various strikes. This is usually a fight against warriors; where they attack with a long sword and defend with a shield. In ancient war, the sword and shield are commonly used by most of the countries like Rome, India, China, etc.

Spear fighting / Spear Swing:

Spear fighting techniques is rather similar to long pole fighting but the techniques used here are mostly thrusts.

Maduvu (Deer Horns):

It is a short defending weapon usually made of deer horns. Since the horns are very rare to get, the players usually use the weapon made of hard wood or soft iron bar. The exponents with a single maduvu or double can defend him against all chops, strikes and hits. A very skilled person will be able to defend and counter. Usually in India, maduvu will be played with long stick called "Puli Attam" where a man wears a costume like a tiger and defends against a single or double attacker.

Short and long stick:

There are more than 100 types of techniques in short/long stick sparring. Mostly the techniques are of strikes, thrusts and locks.

 The steel-whip:

The steel-whip is a weapon consisting of two to five stainless -steel blades riveted to a handle grip. The width of each blade is 1. 1\4 inches and each blade are 4 to 5 feet in length. This weapon is used to combat against a mob or to disburse an unruly crowd. Usually the steel-whip displays are shown during festival season and celebration nights.

Saber Sword Blade : 
The saber sword is a weapon consisting of single steel blade riveted with handle grip. The length of the weapon is 3 feet. This event is used for group event. 

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